Employer registration form

This form is for Companies registering accounts.
If you are an employee looking to make an order: go to https://biketowork.co.uk/login if you have a login or ask your HR contact for your company microsite if you do not have an account.

This is the name of the URL that will be generated after you register. E.G. https://yourcompany.biketowork.co.uk

NOTE: Punctuation marks (e.g. commas) are not valid characters for the url

For companies with no VAT number Please Enter 000000
Start with your country calling code e.g. +353
Must contain 12 chars: letters / 1 uppercase / 1 lowercase / 1 digit / 1 special char ( ~-_+<=>?!@#$%^&* )

Get in Touch

Many thanks for interest in Bike to Work. You can sign up for the scheme by filling in our registration form. Once we have received details, one of our team will contact you.